Classical Romantic, Choral
. Part One 69:43
1-1. Introduction: As God The Lord Of Israel Liveth 1:15
1-2. Overture 3:34
1-3. No.1: Help, Lord! Wilt Thou Quite Destroy Us? 4:21
1-4. No.2: Lord! Bow Thine Ear To Our Prayer! 2:08
1-5. No.3: Ye People, Rend Your Hearts 0:54
1-6. No.4: If With All Your Hearts 2:35
1-7. No.5: Yet Doth The Lord See It Not 4:13
1-8. No.6: Elijah! Get Thee Hence 0:52
1-9. No.7: For He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over Thee 2:08
1-10. Recitative: Now Cherith's Brook Is Dried Up 1:12
1-11. No.8: What Have I To Do With Thee? 6:37
1-12. No.9: Blessed Are The Men Who Fear Him 3:49
1-13. No.10: As God The Lord Of Sabaoth Liveth 4:27
1-14. No.11: Baal, We Cry To Thee; Hear And Answer Us! 3:23
1-15. No.12: Call Him Louder, For He Is A God! 1:08
1-16. No.13: Call Him Louder! He Heareth Not! 2:11
1-17. No.14: Lord God Of Abraham, Isaac And Israel! 3:39
1-18. No.15: Cast Thy Burden Upon The Lord 2:22
1-19. No.16: O Thou, Who Makest Thine Angels Spirits 3:10
1-20. No.17: Is Not His Word Like A Fire? 2:04
1-21. No.18: Woe Unto Them Who Forsake Him! 3:12
1-22. No.19: O Man Of God, Help Thy People! 6:38
1-23. No.20: Thanks Be To God! 3:42
. Part Two 69:51
2-1. No.21: Hear Ye, Israel; Hear What The Lord Speaketh 6:03
2-2. No.22: Be Not Afraid, Saith God The Lord 4:12
2-3. No.23: The Lord Hath Exalted Thee 4:03
2-4. No.24: Woe To Him, He Shall Perish 1:32
2-5. No.25: Man Of God, Now Let My Words Be Precious 4:03
2-6. No.26: It Is Enough; O Lord Now Take My Life 1:32
2-7. No.27: See, Now He Sleepeth 2:39
2-8. No.28: Lift Thine Eyes To The Mountains 6:15
2-9. No.29: He, Watching Over Israel, Slumbers Not 0:40
2-10. No.30: Arise, Elijah, For Thou Hast A Long Journey 1:48
2-11. No.31: O Rest In The Lord 3:53
2-12. No.32: He That Shall Endure To The End, Shall Be Saved 2:13
2-13. No.33: Night Falleth Round Me, O Lord! 3:37
2-14. No.34: Behold! God The Lord Passed By! 2:50
2-15. No.35: Above Him Stood The Seraphim 3:52
2-16. No.36: Go, Return Upon They Way 1:35
2-17. No.37: For The Mountains Shall Depart 2:44
2-18. No.38: Then Did Elijah The Prophet Break Forth 2:15
2-19. No.39: Then Shall The Righteous Shine Forth 2:40
2-20. No.40: Behold, God Hath Sent Elijah 1:18
2-21. No.41: But The Lord, From The North Hath Raised One 3:31
2-22. No.41a: O Come Everyone That Thirsteth 3:21
2-23. No.42: And Then Shall Your Light Break Forth 3:15
Released : 2004
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Grading uses the Goldmine Standard
Many 7" Vinyl Singles are sold in generic paper or card sleeves and not in the picture sleeves which are shown - these will be described as 'Generic' or 'Not Graded' in the condition descriptions above. For CDs the stated Grading does not include Jewel cases as these are replaceable - however any badly damaged Jewel cases will normally be replaced prior to shipping.
Catalogue Data : Barcode 724358625721
5 86257 2 / 21562338
Listing ID : 3261876089
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