Electronic, Hip Hop, Pop Downtempo, Pop Rock
1. Say What You Want (All Day, Every Day) (Extended Version) 5:02
2. Insane (The Second Scroll) 6:33
3. Say What You Want (All Day, Every Day) (RZA Instrumental) 5:13
4. Insane (The Second Scroll Dub) 6:35
Released : 1998
IMPORTANT : Please note that we use third party images in most of our listings, so the image(s) dispayed will not be the actual item you are purchasing. If you are looking for a very specific version/pressing/variant please check with us first and we can send photos of the actual item.
Grading uses the Goldmine Standard
Many 7" Vinyl Singles are sold in generic paper or card sleeves and not in the picture sleeves which are shown - these will be described as 'Generic' or 'Not Graded' in the condition descriptions above. For CDs the stated Grading does not include Jewel cases as these are replaceable - however any badly damaged Jewel cases will normally be replaced prior to shipping.
Catalogue Data : Barcode 7 31456 85992 7
Barcode 731456859927
Label Code LC 0268
Price Code PY 940
Rights Society BIEM | MCPS
Matrix / Runout MERDD499 10502711 01 %
Matrix / Runout MADE IN UK BY PMDC
Mastering SID Code IFPI L132
Mould SID Code IFPI 0446
Matrix / Runout MERDD499 10502711 01 %
Matrix / Runout MADE IN UK BY PMDC
Mastering SID Code IFPI L132
Mould SID Code IFPI 0445
Matrix / Runout MERDD499 10502711 01 %
Matrix / Runout MADE IN UK BY PMDC
Mastering SID Code IFPI L132
Mould SID Code IFPI 0444
Matrix / Runout MERDD499 10502711 01 %
Matrix / Runout MADE IN UK BY PMDC
Mastering SID Code IFPI L132
Mould SID Code IFPI 0400
MERDD 499, MERCD 499, 568 599-2 / 21566741
Listing ID : 3261891812
Data provided by Discogs