Classical Baroque, Oratorio
. Oratorio In Three Parts / Oratorium In Drei Teilen / Oratorio En Trois Parties
. Part • Teil • Partie I
1-1. Symphony 4:08
1-2. No. 1 Accompagnato. Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye, My People (Tenor) 3:08
1-3. No. 2 Air. Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted (Tenor) 3:26
1-4. No. 3 Chorus. And The Glory Of The Lord 2:46
1-5. No. 4 Accompagnato. Thus Saith The Lord (Bass) 1:30
1-6. No. 5 Air. But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming (Alto) 4:19
1-7. No. 6 Chorus. And He Shall Purify The Sons Of Levi 2:14
1-8. No. 7 Recitative. Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive (Mezzosoprano) / Nos. 8-9 Air And Chorus. O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings (Mezzosoprano, Chorus) 6:39
1-9. No. 10 Accompagnato. For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth (Bass) / No. 11 Air. The People That Walked In Darkness (Bass) 6:00
1-10. No. 12 Chorus. For Unto Us A Child Is Born 3:56
1-11. No. 13 Pifa. Pastoral Symphony 3:02
1-12. No. 14 Recitative. There Were Shepherds (Soprano) / Accompagnato. And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord (Soprano) / Recitative. And The Angel Said Unto Them (Soprano) / Accompagnato. And Suddenly There Was With The Angel (Soprano) 1:26
1-13. No. 15 Chorus. Glory To God In The Highest 1:53
1-14. No. 16 Air. Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion (Zion) 4:10
1-15. No. 17 Recitative. Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind (Mezzosoprano) 0:28
1-16. No. 18 Duet. He Shall Feed His Flock (Mezzosoprano, Soprano) 5:09
1-17. No. 19 Chorus. His Yoke Is Easy 2:08
. Part • Teil • Partie II
1-18. No. 20 Chorus. Behold The Lamb Of God 3:07
1-19. No. 21 Air. He Was Despised (Mezzosoprano) 9:30
2-1. No. 22 Chorus. Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs / No. 23 Chorus. And With His Stripes We Are Healed / No. 24 Chorus. All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray 8:46
2-2. No. 25 Accompagnato. All They That See Him (Tenor) 0:46
2-3. No. 26 Chorus. He Trusted In God 2:22
2-4. No. 27 Accompagnato. Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart (Tenor) 1:44
2-5. No. 28 Arioso. Behold, And See (Tenor) 1:22
2-6. No. 29 Accompagnato. He Was Cut Off (Tenor) / No. 30 Aria. But Thou Didst Not Leave (Soprano) 2:50
2-7. No. 31 Chorus. Lift Up Your Heads 3:13
2-8. No. 32 Recitative. Unto Which Of The Angels (Tenor) / No. 33 Chorus. Let All The Angels Of God 1:39
2-9. No. 34 Air. Thou Art Gone Up On High (Alto) 3:18
2-10. No. 35 Chorus. The Lord Gave The Word 1:09
2-11. No. 36 Air. How Beautiful Are The Feet (Soprano) 2:28
2-12. No. 37 Chorus. Their Sound Is Gone Out 1:32
2-13. No. 38 Air. Why Do The Nations (Bass) 2:43
2-14. No. 39 Chorus. Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder 1:39
2-15. No. 40 Recitative. He That Dwelleth In Heaven (Tenor) / No. 41 Air. Thou Shalt Break Them (Tenor) 2:23
2-16. No. 42 Chorus. Hallelujah 3:51
. Part • Teil • Partie III
2-17. No. 43 Air. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Soprano) 6:16
2-18. No. 44 Chorus. Since By Man Came Death 2:08
2-19. No. 45 Accompagnato. Behold, I Tell You A Mystery (Bass) 0:37
2-20. No. 46 Air. The Trumpet Shall Sound (Bass) 8:30
2-21. No. 47 Recitative. Then Shall Be Brought To Pass (Alto) / No. 48 Duet. O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? (Alto, Tenor) / No. 49 Chorus. But Thanks Be To God 3:48
2-22. No. 50 Air. If God Be For Us (Alto) 4:19
2-23. No. 51 Chorus. Worthy Is The Lamb / Blessing And Honour / No. 52 Chorus. Amen 7:10
Released : 1993
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Catalogue Data : Barcode 0 28943 83562 6
438 356-2 / 21567542
Listing ID : 3261895241
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